UNIFE ETCS Steering Committee (UESC)

The UNIFE ETCS Steering Committee (UESC) coordinates UNIFE’s strategic and political ERTMS activities. UESC members regularly liaise with European Commission (DG Move) and European Railways Agency (ERA) representatives to address any political issues related to ERTMS and organise high-level meetings between European bodies representatives and Signalling companies’ CEOs and/or Directors.

The UESC consists of high-level ERTMS supplier experts, representing also UNISIG Full and Associated Members.


Frequency of meetings: every 3 months
No. of participating members: 7
Main achievements:
  • Preparation of several high level meetings between ERTMS EU Coordinator Matthias Ruete, DG Move General Director and UNISIG companies’ CEOs.
  • Draft UNIFE action plan to accelerate ERTMS rollout
  • Preparation to and participation in ERTMS Stakeholders Platform meetings
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