For an ambitious EU Industrial Strategy: going further
Today at the Council Industry Working Party, UNIFE Director General Philippe Citroën, accompanied by six other European industrial federations1, was invited by the Estonian Presidency to present to all Member States – as an exclusive – the newly published Joint Reaction Paper “For an ambitious EU industrial strategy: going further”, co-signed by 119 European industrial associations from all sectors in the framework of the #Industry4Europe campaign.
Following the adoption last February of a first Joint Declaration for an ambitious EU industrial strategy, the coalition of associations has continued to work together to develop a more detailed Joint Paper in reaction to the Communication on “Investing in a smart, innovative and sustainable Industry: a renewed Industrial Strategy for Europe” published by the European Commission in September.
This Communication is definitely a first important step – which we welcome – as it puts industry back in a high position on the political agenda and provides a comprehensive overview of current and upcoming Commission’s initiatives and measures related to industrial competitiveness.
In this Joint Reaction Paper, the Signatories – representing a wide range of industrial sectors – have identified all key objectives and missing measures that should be at the heart of any ambitious and longer-term EU industrial strategy, taking the Communication as a starting point. The recommendations of the #Industry4Europe coalition touch upon major policy fields, including business-friendly environment and governance, skills & training, research and innovation, access to finance, internal market as well as trade and international market access.
More than ever, the 119 European industrial associations are ready to step up their cooperation with the European institutions to discuss and implement an impactful European industrial strategy that will help safeguard the world leadership of European manufacturers and jobs in Europe.