UNIFE recognised as a partner organisation for EU Gateway | Business Avenues
UNIFE has been recognised by the European Commission as a Partner Organisation for EU Gateway | Business Avenues.
This flagship initiative run by the EU builds on over 25 years of successful experience helping European companies establish long-lasting business collaborations in Japan and Asia.
The programme organises EU-funded market scoping missions that unravels opportunities for European companies to reach and enter this particularly challenging market. Market scoping missions will take place until 2019 in various sectors, including Railway Technologies & Services and other promising fields.
In November 2017, 46 European railway companies joined the first EU Gateway | Business Avenues market scoping mission for Railway Technologies & Services. The mission included three days at Mass-Trans Innovation Japan 2017 where selected companies exhibited their technologies among other companies that design, manufacture, and maintain rolling stock and locomotives, railway infrastructure, railway command, control and communications systems, railway security, safety, and crisis management.
EU Gateway | Business Avenues helps uncover business opportunities, minimises costs typically required to enter a new market, enables European companies to network, discuss challenges and opportunities with industry players and, offers coaching and follow-up at all stages of participation.
Upcoming missions are open for application on the online calendar. European companies meeting the eligibility criteria can apply online or request support for the application process.